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22.86 g
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# NASA data for EET 90001 Weathering: Be Fracturing: A Pairing: EET 87507 Fa: 29 mol % ²⁶Al: 61.6 ± 4 dpm/kg NTL: 1.1 ± 0.1 krad
Some fusion crust is present on all of these meteorites, the amount varying from 10% to 95%. The fusion crust is generally thin and black. Traces to abundant amounts of evaporite deposits are present. The deposit is white on most specimens except for 90003 where it has a greenish-blue color similar to that seen on EET90004 and 007. The interior of these Elephant Moraine C4's is medium gray. Cream-colored inclusions are present as is a small amount of metal.