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# NASA data for MET 01081 Weathering: A/B Fracturing: A Pairing: MET 01081 Fs: 26-56 mol %
90% of the exteriors are covered with a shiny, black fusion crust with a rough texture or regmaglypt. The interior matrices are crystalline in texture and tan to gray in color. Both contain small (<1 mm) white inclusions and black grains.
These meteorites are so similar that a single description suffices. The meteorites are unbrecciated, medium-grained basalts composed of pyroxene (exsolved on a scale of 1-5µm), and plagioclase with minor metal and sulfide. The meteorite is extensively shocked, with mosaicism in both pyroxene and plagioclase. Mineral compositions are homogeneous with orthopyroxene (Fs₅₅Wo₄), with lamellae of augite (Fs₂₈Wo₃₆), and plagioclase (An₈₈Or0.5). The Fe/Mn ratio of the pyroxene is ~30. The meteorites are unbrecciated eucrites.