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48.992 g
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# NASA data for ALH 77192 Weathering: C Fracturing: C Pairing: ALH 77004 Fa: 16-18 mol % Fs: 15-21 mol % ²⁶Al: 55 ± 6 dpm/kg
The angular specimen (~9.0 x 8.0 x 15.0 cm) is void of fusion crust. The entire stone is weathered reddish-brown, with the exception of a few small areas of gray matrix material that was exposed when the stone was cleaved in half. The severity of the weathering masks any textural characteristics. Other Characteristics: This is one of the nineteen specimens that Dr. Cassidy believes to be related. The meteorites that have been initially processed and comprise this group are listed below: ALHA77004; 77190; 77191; 77192, and 77233.