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1.28 g
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# NASA data for ALH 77288 Weathering: C Fracturing: B Pairing: ALH 77271 Fa: 19 mol % Fs: 17 mol % ²⁶Al: 45 ± 3 dpm/kg
The overall form of the specimen is angular. Four surfaces are rounded and smooth with a brown weathering rind and patches of dull black fusion crust ~1-2 mm thick. The other surfaces are fracture surfaces which also are covered with a brown weathering rind. Numerous fractures penetrate the stone. Inclusions are apparent on the severely weathered surfaces. Approximately 12 x 10 x 8 cm. Other Characteristics: No fresh metal or non-weathered surfaces observed in the process of obtaining material for thin sections or thermoluminescence studies. All surfaces exposed had a reddish-brown iron oxide staining.