Cronquist, A. J. 1992. Great Basin Naturalist. 52 (1): 75.
Schlessman, M. A. 1984. Systematic Botany Monographs. Systematics of Tuberous Lomatiums (Umbelliferae).
Coulter, J. M., Rose, J. N. 1900. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 7 202.
Type Status:
Type collection
Barren Valley., Malheur, Oregon, United States, North America
Collection Date:
Jun 1896
One of 2 original US sheets (USNH 48629, 48630), neither identifiable by citation or annotation as holotype (and not "sheet 1 of 2", etc.) but this sheet (48629) annotated "Type!" by Mathias & Constance (1939) and as "holotype" (and 48630 as "isotype") by M.A. Schlessman (1980). Schlessman (1984) cites "holotype" and "isotype", accepted here as effective lectotypification. Protologue, "Type locality, wet adobe soils of Barren Valley, Malheur County, Oregon, where it is said to be common; collected by Leiberg, no. 2197, June, 1896; type in U.S. Nat. Herb. Only known from the type locality. Specimens examined: Type specimens as cited under type locality." [Note that neither extant US sheet bears the collection data cited in protologue.]