Figure A. Brunellia comocladifolia (Brunelliaceae). Collection: Cuatrecasas 26889, A. Portion of dichasial inflorescence. Artist: Threlkeld, Gesina B. - 1967.
Figure B. Brunellia comocladifolia (Brunelliaceae). Collection: Cuatrecasas 6064, B. Terminal branchlet showing pedicel supporting bud an short peducles. Artist: Threlkeld, Gesina B. - 1967.
Figure C,D. Brunellia sibundoya (Brunelliaceae). Collection: Cuatrecasas 11570, C. Portion of dichasial inflorescence, D. Terminal branchlet showing pedicels supporting bud and short peduncles. Artist: Cuatrecasas, Gil - 1967.
Figure C-E. Brunellia sibundoya subsp. sebastopola (Brunelliaceae). Collection: Cuatrecasas 13586, C. Partial dichasium, D. Terminal branchlet with short peduncles and one pedicel, E. Thickened terminal branchlet with extremely short peduncles (scars) . Artist: Threlkeld, Gesina B. - 1967.
Figure F,G. Brunellia acostae (Brunelliaceae). F. Partial inflorescence, G. Partial inflorescence. Artist: Threlkeld, Gesina B. - 1967.
Figure H. Brunellia acostae (Brunelliaceae). Collection: Asplund 16754, H. Partial inflorescence with pedicel and peduncle. Artist: Threlkeld, Gesina B. - 1967.
Figure I. Brunellia inermis var. petiolulata (Brunelliaceae). Collection: Asplund 13065, I. Thickened terminal branchlet with bracts, the flowers removed. Artist: Threlkeld, Gesina B. - 1967.