Standley, P. C. 1930. Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. Ser. 8 12.
Type Status:
Santo Domingo de Golfo Dulce., Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Central America - Neotropics
Collection Date:
Mar 1896
One of several US duplicates originally received from the John Donnell Smith herbarium, none identifiable as a holotype. At least 2 such duplicates were deaccessiond and sent to other herbaria (USNH 931306 to P, 931308 to NY). Mathias & Theobald (1981, Brittonia 33: 95; under Hyperbaena "leptobryosa") contend the "holotype" is at F, but unclear whether this is an effective lectotypification; there is at least one duplicate at F but it was never annotated by those authors (and was already annotated "isotype"). Another duplicate at F (their number 195419 as cited in protologue) is the holotype of Hyperbaena isophylla Standl. (nom. illeg. superfl., based on same collection) but neither record nor image for that specimen found on Field Museum website as of Oct. 2016. Tonduz 9937 was apparently re-numbered as "7232" by Donnell Smith, but (mis) cited in the protologue as "7332" [all duplicates seen by me at US and online are numbered 7232 rather than 7332]