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Joseph Fabish  Search this
Donor Name:
Christian Pettersen  Search this
192 cm
149 cm
Quechua  Search this
Object Type:
Mollebamba, La Libertad, Peru, South America
Accession Date:
26 May 2009
Collection Date:
1977 to 2006
Wool blanket, aniline dyes. Weft-faced tapestry weave. Average count: 8 x 15. Garnet red background with yellow bands on top and bottom. The designs are yellow, in dechado style, enrededara (S. vine) pattern. The designs are figurative and geometric. Almost exactly like E432105.
"[This blanket] was collected at around the same time [as 432105] from Antonio Julca Valverde who lives in Mollebamba. Whereas the owner of [432105] wasn't able to confirm the weaver of the blanket, [432115]'s weaver was ascertained from its owner, a relative of his, Agustin Julca Rufino. Most blankets are entirely different from one another. In order to weave blankets with figurative and ornamental designs takes a lot more experience and time than other types of motifs. Because of the similarities not only in style, but with regard to its dimensions, count and colors, we can likely project that the weaver of both blankets was the same. It is very likely that [432105 and 432115] were woven within weeks of one another by the same weaver. I suggest a date of manufacture of 1985." (Information abridged from the 2-volume manuscript "Age Analysis for the Christian Pettersen Collection of Huamachuco Blankets to the Smithsonian Institution", by Joseph Fabish, January 20, 2009. These volumes are housed at the National Anthropological Archives.)
There is no fraying. There is no insect damage. There is no dye running. The blanket is negative to weakly positive to light test and demonstrates good weight. The colors are vibrant. The textile is in stable condition. There is very mild wear and tear due to usage. (Information abridged from the 2-volume manuscript "Age Analysis for the Christian Pettersen Collection of Huamachuco Blankets to the Smithsonian Institution", by Joseph Fabish, January 20, 2009. These volumes are housed at the National Anthropological Archives.)
Record Last Modified:
17 Jul 2021
Specimen Count:
Ethnology  Search this
Accession Number:
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Data Source:
NMNH - Anthropology Dept.