Diamond pattern is woven into cotton band. Outside painted with (?) urucu. Six tassels of native cotton at each end. Each tassel capped with deer hoof tip. Tassel strings are of mixed beads. Dr. Newton says: made for use in the Kr?kati Wu?tu ceremony of 1963 or 1966. Made by and obtained from Hukula, a 37 y/o female. Owner says it's too small--it hangs just around breast, when she would prefer it hang lower by about 5 cms. Design is raised warp relief, called e?hudutokrure. Used. Warp and weft are 2s cotton. The urucu caked showing intentional application. Bead cordage and tassel binding is 2z tucum/caroa. Tassels are 2s and 2z cotton, and commercial cotton, 3s. Scleria/aku, glass and plastic beads, and deer hoof nails. Price paid: 10 crn.