Source of the information below: Inuvialuit Pitqusiit Inuuniarutait: Inuvialuit Living History, The MacFarlane Collection website, by the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC), Inuvik, N.W.T., Canada (website credits here ), entry on this artifact , retrieved 2-6-2020: Quiver .... The quiver is made from hide, with a stitched seam running along one edge. It is open at one end, and is closed at the other end with a flap of skin folded over and sewn. A series of loops are sewn along the edge with the seam, and on the opposite edge are matching hide thongs that were probably used in conjunction with the loops to tighten the quiver. A longer hide thong attached to the edge with the seam would have enabled the quiver to be slung over the shoulder. The quiver is large enough to have held a strung bow, in addition to the arrows. Note: the Inuvialuit Living History web page entry on this quiver also mentions 2 arrows (actually 3) as being with this quiver, however that is an error. The arrows are actually a different catalogue number.