Saganaga Lake, Cook County, Minnesota, United States, North America
Accession Date:
11 Jul 1947
From card: "Skins wrapped on cotton twine net, unlike skin coils of robes from Ute and other southwestern tribes. Robe obtained by Major Lewis in 193 from an old Chippewa woman, Shabegeziga (Cloudy Day). Her husband, Nanigaknib (Big Snake) had been chief of a small group formerly living in the vicinity but now extinct [sic] except for Shabegeziga, who had made the robe. See Densmore: Bulletin 86, B.A.E., p. 161: "The rabbit skin was cut 'round and round' in a narrow strip so that one hide made a continuous strip. The weaving was done on a warp of cotton twine, with a space of about half an inch between the rows of rabbit skin.""