Kiowa And Comanche Reservation, Oklahoma / Indian Territory, United States, North America
Accession Date:
17 May 1892
Collection Date:
C. 1891
[Describing all parts in girl's costume E152838-0 through 2] Belt: Belt and trailer of commercial hide with stamped pattern and covered with German silver conchos. Small overlay beaded pouch and diamond shaped ornament attached. 25" (64 cm). See Photographs section, inventory no. 06267100 for an image of this dress on an exhibit mannequin, identified as representing Ongotoya's daughter. (from Merrill, William L. et al. 1997. A Guide to the Kiowa Collections at the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, no. 40. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.)