MacArthur, Vinton County, Ohio, United States, North America
Accession Date:
29 Dec 2016
Collection Date:
13 May 1995
L-1179 (Zaleski Chert): Collection includes raw material, outer surface, and naturally-weathered specimens.
L-1179 (Zaleski Chert)
Zaleski Chert, also known as Black Flint, is a white or light black to glossy black chert. When weathered it assumes an olive, yellowish-green patination and can also have brown and iron staining. It has fusilinid inclusions. It has a medium to very fine texture. Deposits include tabular pieces.
Location remarks: Secondary deposits in and along Elk Fork Creek transecting Route 93 about 1.0 miles north of the Fairgrounds, McArthur, Elk Township, Vinton County, Ohio; See Stout & Schoenlaub (1945: 62-70) for other sources.
Archaeology remarks: Prufer & Baby (1963:45-45) doubts musch use by Paleoindians (Goatley 1993:42-43)