Washington Township, Hocking County, Ohio, United States, North America
Accession Date:
29 Dec 2016
Collection Date:
13 May 1995
L-1189 (Boggs Chert): Not a collection from archaeological context. Known collection procedure. Collection includes raw material, outer surface, surrounding matrix, and naturally-weathered specimens.
L-1189 (Boggs Chert)
Boggs Chert is a black, nearly white, or gray chert. It may be colored with carbon oxide and carbon in Muskingum County. When weathered it becomes gray. It has an arenaceous, gritty texture. It may be fossiliferous. Deposits are found in nodules.
Location remarks: Route 93 roadcut on thr north side of the highway, about half way up the steep hill, 0.5 miles north of Mt. Pleasant, Washington Township, Hocking County, Ohio; Boggs Chert also found in Coshocton, Licking, Muskingum, Perry, and Tuscarawas counties of Ohio; Exposures in Licking River Valley in vicinity of Dillon Falls, NW Falls Township, Zanesville West; East of Glenford, in Section 10, Hopewell Township, Perry Co., Ohio; Dela Wise property, Section 10, Hopewell Township, Muskingum County, Ohio; Outcrop along road and in a west w. trib. of Bartlett run near Falls-Muskingum Township line, NW Muskingum Co., OH