Rosedale, Jersey County, Illinois, United States, North America
Accession Date:
29 Dec 2016
Collection Date:
L-134 (Chouteau Chert): Provenience includes gravel deposits; Collection not from an archaological context; known collection procedure; Collection includes outer surface and naturally-weathered specimens.
L-134 (Chouteau Chert): Mississippian Epoch
Chouteau Chert, also known as Calhoun County Gray, is a course to fine grain and glossy chert. It has mottling of light and dark blues, resulting in mottled bluish gray, bluish black, and gray. When weathered it has a thick, white cortex. It has fossiliferous inclusions of crinoids, bryzoas, and brachiopods. Uniformly small crinoids, 2-3 mm, appear as white specks within the bluish, gray matrix. Deposits include lenticular, sub rectangular, or tabular module deposits.
Location remarks: Coon Creek, southeast of Rosedale, Jersey Co., Il; Truman Reservoir area southwest central Missouri along the edge of the Springfield Plateau, and along the Ozark Dome periphery in west central Missouri; southern Illinois River Valley; Chautauqua West, IL.