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Created by:
Dr. Tanekeya Word  Search this
Printed by:
Dr. Tanekeya Word  Search this
Manufactured by:
HangZ, American  Search this
Subject of:
Unidentified Woman or Women  Search this
ink, pigment, pastel (material) and laminated plastic on paper (fiber product) with acrylic, metal and Fome-Cor (TM)
H x W x D: 4 1/2 × 4 1/2 × 1 1/2 in. (11.5 × 11.5 × 3.8 cm)
Place made:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, North and Central America
A mixed media work titled, “Supernova Study No. 07,” by Tanekeya Word. The relief print depicts the elaborate, Fulani-inspired, futuristic, protective hairstyle of a woman with her back to the viewer.
Pictured from the neck up, the back of the woman's head features a large cutout that overlays color image of a yellow, green, pink, and red nebula. Her hair is parteddown the center of her scalp to the nape and arranged into rows of braids or twists. Woven into the center of the part is a double, five-pointed, star-shaped pattern. At the center of the star is a star-shaped cutout featuring the reddish center of the nebula with eight flashing stars of varying sizes. The woman’s loose ends have been gathered up and styled into two large, round, spoked wheel shapes on either side of her head. The top and bottom spokes on each wheel feature two five-pointed stars twisted into the center of each spoke. Each of the stars have cutouts at the center and are overlaid over one vinyl decal and three color images. The top left star overlays a pink, holographic, vinyl decal. The bottom left and top right stars overlay images of starry space. The bottom right star overlays an image of a light blue quasar. The woman is wearing a light blue garment with a low collar, shaded with a textured dark blue. The marble background is fluorescent pink, blue, white, and gray. The print is mounted on white foamboard. It is housed in a light blue, square, acrylic box frame and secured on each side with a blue screw. The series title, number, and artist's signature is handwritten on the verso in black ink in the bottom right corner that reads [Supernova: no. 07 © 2020 / Tanekeya S. Word].
African American  Search this
African diaspora  Search this
Art  Search this
Black geographies  Search this
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Hair  Search this
Women  Search this
Credit Line:
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
Object number:
Restrictions & Rights:
© Tanekeya Word
Permission required for use. Proper usage is the responsibility of the user.
See more items in:
National Museum of African American History and Culture Collection
Supernova Study
Visual Arts
Data Source:
National Museum of African American History and Culture