Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, North and Central America
November 24, 1787
November 24, 1787 edition of the Pennsylvania Packet, and Daily Advertiser. The four-page newspaper is on yellowed paper with black ink. The newspaper has several creases and the edges are torn in several places. The front and back pages have advertisements while the interior pages contain articles and additional advertisements. On the front page at the bottom left corner are two advertisements for the sale of two enslaved people. The top advertisement is for the sale of an unidentified enslaved male; 29 years of age. The bottom advertisement is for the sale of an unidentified enslaved female. On the front page in the third column beneath the fold is an advertisement for a ten dollar reward on information regarding a runaway enslaved person named Will. The advertisement describes Will in detail including his height and physical ailments as well as his language proficiency. It identifies Will as being from Buck County, Pennsylvania and belonging to Mr. Alexander Allair.