New York City, New York, United States, North and Central America
September 1971
This flyer advertises a rally for Angela Davis Day. The flyer is yellow with black text and features an image of Angela Davis. The flyer reads: [END / RACISM & / REPRESSION / GET IT TOGETHER AT / CENTRAL PARK MALL FOR / ANGELA DAVIS / DAY SEPTEMBER 25 / 1 TO 4 P.M. ENTER AT 5TH AVE. / AND 72ND STREET / DEMAND BAIL FOR ANGELA / INDICT ROCKEFELLER FOR THE / ATTICA MASSACRE / NOW! / HEAR: CONG. RONALD DELLUMS OSSIE DAVIS / MRS. SALLYE DAVIS DICK GREGORY / and others / SPONSORED BY THE UNITED COALITION FOR ANGELA DAVIS DAY / FOR FURTHER INOFRMATION, CALL 243-8555]. The back of the flyer is blank except for a stamped date that reads [SEP 24 1971].