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Published by:
Playbill, American, founded 1884  Search this
Written by:
James Baldwin, American, 1924 - 1987  Search this
Printed by:
Unidentified  Search this
Edited by:
Blake Ross  Search this
Subject of:
Lorraine Hansberry, American, 1930 - 1965  Search this
Kenny Leon, American, born 1956  Search this
Denzel Washington, American, born 1954  Search this
LaTanya Richardson Jackson, American, born 1949  Search this
Sophie Okonedo, British, born 1968  Search this
Ethel Barrymore Theatre, American, founded 1928  Search this
ink on paper with metal
H x W x D (2015.64.14.1 Closed): 8 9/16 × 5 3/8 × 3/16 in. (21.7 × 13.7 × 0.5 cm)
H x W x D (2015.64.14.1 Open): 8 9/16 × 10 3/8 × 7/8 in. (21.7 × 26.3 × 2.2 cm)
H x W x D (2015.64.14.2 Closed): 9 × 4 1/4 (22.8 × 10.8 × 0.1 cm)
H x W x D (2015.64.14.2 Open): 9 × 12 5/8 × 1 in. (22.8 × 32 × 2.5 cm)
L x W (2015.64.14.3): 9 1/16 × 4 1/16 in. (23 × 10.3 cm)
theater programs
April 2014
Playbill magazine (2015.64.14.1), April 2014, featuring the play, "A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine Hansberry, directed by Kenny Leon, starring Denzel Washington, LaTanya Richardson, and Sophie Okonedo, and performed at the Ethel Barrymore Theater, New York 2014. The top third of the cover is the masthead, a yellow rectangular field with black type with the magazine's title, [PLAYBILL ®] above the text [ETHEL BARRYMORE THEATER]. Below the masthead and outlined with a Kente cloth border, is a black-and-white image tinted blue of a young boy on a street. The boy walks past a row of receding buildings seen in the upper right quadrant to the upper left. The boy is pictured on the right side near the lower corner. He holds something to his mouth in his proper left hand and holds books under his proper right arm. Behind him, centered in the image, is a woman wearing a long coat, carrying an umbrella on her proper left arm. Overlaying the image is a narrow, a Kente cloth outline of a circle. In the lower third of the image, justified on the left side, is orange text with the title of the play, which is also the main coverline, [a RAISIN / in the SUN]. Below the image at the bottom is a small yellow rectangle with a website in black text. The back cover features an ad for Gucci cologne. The magazine has fifty-two (52) pages.
A tri-folded pamphlet of the essay "Sweet Lorraine" (2015.64.14.2) about Lorraine Hansberry, written by James Baldwin. Printed on semi-gloss paper, the pamphlet is navy blue with stylized, Kente cloth borders throughout. On the front in the upper right corner is a circular, black-and-white image of Lorraine Hansberry. Overlapping the image is white block text [SWEET / LORRAINE]. Below the title is the byline in orange text, [BY JAMES BALDWIN] followed by a line of white text that reads [THAT'S THEY WAY I ALWAYS FELT ABOUT YOU, AND SO / I WON'T APOLOGIZE FOR CALLING HER THAT NOW.]. Below the text and byline is the beginning of Baldwin's essay in white text. The inside of the pamphlet the essay continues and features four (4) circular black and white images of cityscapes. In the lower left corner of the back page is an additional black-and-white image of Hansberry. Above and around the image are the final paragraphs of the essay. [ROTATION]
A narrow cell phone reminder flyer (2015.64.14.3) with navy blue background with a narrow, stylized Kente cloth border, printed on glossy paper. Covering the whole of flyer is block text of varying sizes. The text is in orange and white, justified on the right side and reads [DEAR FRIENDS, / PLEASE / PROTECT YOUR / OWN GOOD TIME / AND THAT OF YOUR / NEIGHBOR BY / TURNING / OFF YOUR / CELL/ PHONE / NOW. / THANK YOU.]. The reverse is blank.
Transcription Center Status:
Transcribed by digital volunteers
African American  Search this
Actors  Search this
Broadway Theatre  Search this
Domestic life  Search this
Drama (Theatre)  Search this
Families  Search this
Poverty  Search this
Race discrimination  Search this
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Tragedy (Theatre)  Search this
Urban life  Search this
Credit Line:
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Kathleen M. Kendrick
Object number:
Restrictions & Rights:
Playbill used by permission. All rights reserved, Playbill Inc
Permission required for use. Proper usage is the responsibility of the user.
See more items in:
National Museum of African American History and Culture Collection
Memorabilia and Ephemera - Other
Data Source:
National Museum of African American History and Culture