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Printed by:
Unidentified  Search this
Used by:
Dr. Samuel Y. Edgerton Jr., American, 1926 - 2021  Search this
Subject of:
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, American, founded 1963  Search this
ink on paper
H x W: 11 x 8 1/2 in. (27.9 x 21.6 cm)
Place used:
Washington, District of Columbia, United States, North and Central America
August 28, 1963
Program from the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom at the Lincoln Memorial. The program is a single page folded in half to create a booklet. The top of the front page has the march title and date in large black letters underlined by a black decorative border. It reads "MARCH ON WASHINGTON/ FOR JOBS AND FREEDOM/ AUGUST 28, 1963." Below the line is the program title in large black block print "LINCOLN MEMORIAL PROGRAM." Below the program title are two columns of text. The column on the left lists the kind of events during the program and the column on the right lists who is participating in the given event and their affiliation. At the bottom center is bold, black text that reads "WE SHALL OVERCOME."
Inside, on the left hand page is an essay, in black print, of the aspirations and goals of the march. Under the essay are the names and affiliations of the movement leaders and supporters. On the right hand page is a formal list of demands of the movement.
The back page is a map of part of the National Mall. It shows the marcher's route, beginning at the Washington Monument and around the reflecting pool to the Lincoln Memorial. It also shows three zones for bus parking for the marchers.
African American  Search this
Activism  Search this
Civil Rights  Search this
Labor  Search this
Local and regional  Search this
Politics  Search this
Race relations  Search this
Segregation  Search this
U.S. History, 1961-1969  Search this
Credit Line:
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Samuel Y. Edgerton
Object number:
Restrictions & Rights:
No Known Copyright Restrictions
Proper usage is the responsibility of the user.
See more items in:
National Museum of African American History and Culture Collection
Memorabilia and Ephemera - Political and Activist Ephemera
Civil Rights Movement
Data Source:
National Museum of African American History and Culture