Other: 3ft 11in. x 33ft x 8ft 4in., 5139lb. (119.38 x 1005.84 x 254cm, 2331kg)
CRAFT-Missiles & Rockets
Country of Origin:
United States of America
The Hermes A-3B was the last produced and tested vehicle of the U.S. Army Ordnance-General Electric Company sponsored Hermes ballistic missile program of the late 1940's. Like most Hermes vehicles, the A-3B was based upon the German V-2 of World War II.
Hermes A-3B was designed as a tactical surface-to-surface missile carrying a 1,000 lb warhead to a 150 mile range but never achieved that range in practice. It had a thrust of 22,600 pounds. By 1953-1954 six A-3B's were test launched at the White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico, five successfully and provided invaluable data towards the development of large-scale missiles in the U.S. The Hermes program was canceled in 1954.
This object was donated to the Smithsonian in 1991 from the U.S. Center of Military History.