Color lithograph depicting Christ interrupting a card game. It is titled “Seeking His Sheep.” And includes a caption from the Bible: "For the Son of man is to seek and save that which was lost."--Luke xix:10. The image is mounted on cardboard within a decorative black and gold printed frame.
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Lithographs were a popular decoration for the middle-class Victorian home, especially in the years following the Civil War when the technology improved allowing for finer prints, available at lower costs through mass production. In addition to popular art prints, lithographs populated publications of the era. Books, trade literature, catalogues, periodicals all used chromolithographs to illustrate their pages. Advertising art such as trade cards, labels, posters, and pages in magazines relied heavily on the lithographic process dynamic illustrations to attract attention to their products. The attractive designs and illustrations led to the popular hobby of collecting trade cards and pages from various publications in the late nineteenth century. Prints were kept in albums, hung on walls, put in frames, and added to scrapbooks. Lithography remained the most popular form of printing throughout the nineteenth century until offset printing replaced it in the late 1930s.