New Year's Eve Fox Fires under the Enoki Tree near Ōji (Ōji shōzoku wenoki ōtsugomorihi no kitsunebi) from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei) 「王子装束ゑの木大晦日の狐火」 『名所江戸百景』
Estate of the Honorable William R. Castle, to 1970 [1]
From 1970
Freer Gallery of Art, given by Alan F., David C., and Donald F. Winslow, heirs to the Estate of the Honorable William R. Castle, in 1970 [2]
[1] According to Curatorial Note 3, Ann Yonemura, December 6, 1994, in the object record.
[2] Transferred from the Freer Study Collection to the Freer Permanent Collection on December 23, 1994 (see Curatorial Note 3, Elizabeth F. Duley, December 30, 1994, in the object record).
Freer Gallery of Art Collection
Exhibition History:
Whistler & Japan (May 14, 1995 to January 1, 1996)