C. T. Loo & Company, New York, purchased from C. H. Yie in November 1946 [2]
From 1960
Freer Gallery of Art, purchased from C. T. Loo & Company on August 11, 1960 [3]
[1] See C. T. Loo's stockcard no. NYL-6/962 / E5009: "Bronze vessel (Yu) Decorated around the foot by a narrow band of abstract motifs, around the edge, a band of back looking dragons and two t'ao t'ieh masks in relief on a spiral background similar band on the cover. Handle terminated by two monster heads and ornated by abstract motifs. Greenish grey patina with rust spots. Inscribed. Early Chou Western," C. T. Loo & Frank Caro Archive, Musée Guimet, Paris, copy in object file. An annotation on the stockcard states that the object was acquired by C. T. Loo from C. H. Yie in November 1946.
[2] See C. T. Loo's stockcard cited in note 1.
The bronze was sent from New York to the Freer Gallery by Frank Caro, C. T. Loo & Co. in November 1955, see Archival Vault Card, copy in object file.
[3] See C. T. Loo & Co.'s invoice, approved on August 11, 1960, copy in object file.
Freer Gallery of Art Collection
Exhibition History:
Palaces and Pavilions: Grand Architecture in Chinese Painting (September 29, 2002 to March 30, 2003)
Year of the Horse: Chinese Horse Paintings (February 24 to September 2, 2002)
A Brief History of Chinese Writing (April 26, 2000 to February 9, 2002)
Chinese Art (February 18, 1983 to April 1, 1987)
Studies in Connoisseurship 1923-1983 (September 23, 1983 to March 1, 1984)
Chinese Art (March 15, 1982 to June 15, 1982)
Chinese Art (January 1, 1963 to March 6, 1981)
Special Exhibition—Chinese Bronzes (November 1, 1961 to March 23, 1962)
Chinese Bronze, Jade, Marble (March 1, 1957 to January 1, 1963)