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Catalog Data

Collection name:
Division of Mammals, C. O. Handley field notes, 1942-1993
Physical Description:
1 field book
Physical Location:
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Division of Mammals
Record type:
Fieldbook record
Object Type:
Field notes
Bocas del Toro, Archipiélago de
San Blas
Date Range:
Start Date:
End Date:
The journal and notes document the field work of Charles O. Handley, Jr., in Panama, January 7 - March 9, 1963. Includes a calendar with notes on destinations or meetings. There is a hand drawn copy of a United Fruit Company, Panama Division property map (Bocas division) from 1931 and a hand drawn map of collecting location (vicinity of Río Sixaola) with notes on nets and vegetation (including types of crops). Entries are organized by date and headed with location (country, region, geological landmark) and covers Bocas del Toro. Entries are organized lists of information, relating collecting method (type,quantity, time of day, habitat), list of specimens (total, type, quantity, sex, condition), followed on notes. Notes vary in length, sometimes relating to flora and fauna (including diet). There are tables of species information listing type, date, species, individuals, day. Entries for February 23 - April cover collecting in San Blas. Entries begin with list of specimen types collected with counts, followed by narrative entries relating weather, and aspects relating to field work (collecting method, specimens). The journal is followed with tabs for notes on mammals, birds, and photographs. These have sketches and descriptions including locations for birds listed and totals for mammal specimens collected in Cerro Hoya and Bocas del Toro in 1962. There are loose inserts, one with sketches of a cyclopes.
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Accession #:
SIA Acc. 12-448
Access Information:
At least 24 hours advance notice is recommended to consult this collection. Contact the Division of Mammals at 202-633-1253 to make an appointment.
See more records from this collection:
Division of Mammals, C. O. Handley field notes, 1942-1993
See more records associated with this person:
Handley, Charles O. (Charles Overton), 1924-2000
Data Source:
Smithsonian Field Book Project