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Fisher, Walter Kenrick, California, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Washington, June 1892 - November 1901

Catalog Data

Alternate Title:
Mammal catalogue, Walter K. Fisher  Search this
Collection name:
Mammal Section, Bird and Mammal Labs, Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior, Division of Mammals
Physical Description:
1 field book
Physical Location:
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Division of Mammals
Record type:
Fieldbook record
Object Type:
Field notes
United States
New York
Date Range:
Start Date:
End Date:
The field catalog documents the mammals collected by Walter Kenrick Fisher in California, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Washington, June 1892 - November 1901. Pages are numbered. It is a compilation of multiple catalogs. Pagination restarts with each catalog. Entries cover USNM catalog number (non consecutive), original number (1 - 2563), sex, name of species, locality (town, county, state, or geological landmark), date, measurements (total, tail, hind foot), and remarks. Remarks include additional locality information, sometimes extremely specific (i.e. caught in the kitchen on the table), habitat (swamp), terrain, altitude, life zone, weight, specimen condition, and collector. Notes specify that in 1891 - 1895 he collected in New York and Massachusetts.
Mammalogy  Search this
Accession #:
SIA Acc. 12-443
Access Information:
At least 24 hours advance notice is recommended to consult this collection. Contact the Division of Mammals at 202-633-1253 to make an appointment.
See more records from this collection:
Mammal Section, Bird and Mammal Labs, Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior, Division of Mammals
See more records associated with this person:
Fisher, Walter K. (Walter Kenrick), 1878-1953
Data Source:
Smithsonian Field Book Project