Journal and field notes kept by Stevan J. Arnold on a field trip to collect carpenter bees in Costa Rica and Guatemala from 25 June to 11 September 1965. Specific localities in Costa Rica include but are not limited to Playas del Coco (Guauacaste Provence), Desampasdos in San Jose Provence, Cartago; localities in Guatemala include Huehuetenango. Arnold's notes include nest data (number, form, locality, substrate, direction of opening, height of opening), elaborate sketches of nests and observation tables (time and quantity of a specific species). Notes on collecting and observing other specimens such as botanical specimens that serve as host plants to bees. Collector and accession numbers for specimens are included, but are dispersed throughout the the notebook, which is written in the narrative style. “Botanical Cataloge” [sic], including numbers 1-130, and “Accession Catalog”, including numbers 1-73, are listed in the back of the notebook.
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