This unbound logbook contains plankton sample data sheets from Vema cruises 28, 29, and 32 from August 21, 1971 to March 16, 1975. Also includes a piece of correspondence to Be about data sheets dated November 13, 1971 signed James R. Frank. Summary of routes. Vema 28: Starting at 28°n 166°e in the North Pacific Ocean. Sailed west into the Philippine Sea and South China Sea, then southeast into the Celebes Sea and Molucca Sea, continuing south and slightly west to enter the Gulf of Boni (Bone), then back east into the Banda Sea. Finally, sailing south and west into the Indian Ocean. Vema 29: Starting at 4° s 92° e in the Indian Ocean. Sailed northwest into Bay of Bengal, then southwest into the Laccadive Sea. Finally, they sail west across the Indian Ocean ending off the tip of South Africa. Vema 32: various locations in the North Atlantic Ocean. Plankton sample data sheets record the following information: IBM serial number, card no., species data format, species data format, ship code, cruise, sta. no., sta. code, sample number, no. samples, coordinates, upper sampling depth, deeper sampling depth, date, local time, duration sampling, sampling device, mesh size, tow type, water volume filtered, and ship speed. The back (verso) of these forms records wire angle data and hydro station data.
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