This item contains several documents along with logs from Vema 12. The first document is entitled "Plankton Collections, Leg #1, New York to Buenos Aires", which summarizes "desired location and depth of plankton tows" and "general information". Another document is entitled "Plankton Towing Program on r/v 'Vema'", which summarizes "types of tows" and "procedure for oblique tows". Another document is entitled "suggested method of making 1/2 M Plankton tows", which summarizes "floating net", "general care and treatment of nylon nets", "preservation and labeling of plankton samples". |Includes sample data log sheets. Also includes data logs containing the following information: cruise number, station number, date, type, 1M net in, out, 1M meter reading, 1/2M net in, out, 1/2M meter reading, coordinates, median local time, 1M length tow, 1/2M length tow, wire angle at depth, corrected depth, corrected depth, 1M displ. vol., 1/2M displ. vol., corrected displ. vol., vol. H20 filt. 1M, vol. H20 filt. 1/2M, comments, net clogged, net tears, No. bottles used, surface temp. (occasionally), and observer. Also included is a document entitled "Surface plankton tows" recording the following information: sample number, date, GMT, coordinates, volume of water filtered in cu. meters, volume of plankton in milliliters. The last document is entitled "Biology Data".
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