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Lyman  Search this
Middle Initial:
Bradford  Search this
Smith  Search this
Record type:
Personal name
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Biographical History:
Lyman Bradford Smith (1904-1997) was born on September 11, 1904, in Winchester, Massachusetts. He went to Harvard University in 1921, and went on to get his Master's in 1928 and his PhD in 1930. He was awarded a senior assistantship at the Gray Herbarium where he eventually became curator in 1943. He came to the United States National Herbarium in 1947 as associate curator. He became curator of phanerogams from 1956-1966 and then senior botanist. He did many collecting trips to South America. His research mainly focused on Bromeliaceae, Velloziaceae, and Begoniaceae. He was famous for identifying unknown specimens. He retired in 1974, but never stopped conducting botanical research. He died on May 4, 1997.
Lyman Bradford Smith. Wikipedia. Retrieved April 2012 from
Related entities:
Harvard University. Gray Herbarium: He was curator of the Gray Herbarium.
United States National Herbarium: He was associate curator of the United States National Herbarium.
See more records related to affiliations:
Harvard University. Gray Herbarium
United States National Herbarium
See more records associated with this person:
Smith, Lyman B.
Data Source:
Smithsonian Field Book Project