1946 George A. Philbrick Researches Inc. (GAP/R) founded (see http://www.classiccmp.org/pipermail/cctalk/2001-October/183270.html) ; http://www.philbrickarchive.org/ ; http://dcoward.bEstablished vwh.net/analog/philbrick.htm ; http://www.science.uva.nl/museum/AnalogComputers.html Search this
GAP/R ; in 1966 it merged into Teledyne Philbrick Nexus ; which became Teledyne Philbrick; which became Teledyne Components, and in 1993 became TelCom Semiconductor. Search this
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Trade lit, circa 1960s for a developer and manufacturer of analog electronic devices including the operational amplifier. Founder George Arthur Philbrick was an electronic analog computer pioneer. The company produced many innovating electronic analog computer designs. (The company's The K2-W was the first commercially available opamp.) ; linear modules ; data conversion modules ; nonlinear function modules ; power supplies