possibly Multiple archaeological cultures (attributed), including Late Archaic and Woodland Traditions Search this
Mark Raymond Harrington (M. R. Harrington/MRH), Non-Indian, 1882-1971 Search this
Charles O. Turbyfill (Charles Orr Turbyfill/C. O. Turbyfill), Non-Indian, 1888-1966 Search this
Alanson B. Skinner (A. B. Skinner/Alanson Buck Skinner), Non-Indian, 1886-1925 Search this
Expedition sponsor:
Samuel Riker, Jr., Non-Indian, 1868-1936 Search this
Object Name:
Maul/Hammer head
Object Type:
Tools and Equipment (General)
Shell midden B; Schley Avenue; New York City, Bronx, Throgs Neck (Throggs Neck); Bronx County; New York; USA
Date created:
3000 BC–AD 1600 (Late Archaic to Late Woodland period)
Collection History:
Excavated in 1917 or 1918 by MAI staff members Mark Raymond Harrington (1882-1971), Alanson B. Skinner (1886-1925), and Charles O. Turbyfill (1888-1966) during fieldwork sponsored by MAI and funded by MAI trustee Samuel Riker Jr. (1868-1936).
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