Dr. Harley Stamp (John Harley Stamp), Non-Indian, 1874-1931 Search this
Previous owner:
Dr. Harley Stamp (John Harley Stamp), Non-Indian, 1874-1931 Search this
Dr. Harley Stamp (John Harley Stamp), Non-Indian, 1874-1931 Search this
Presenter/funding source:
James Bishop Ford (James B. Ford), Non-Indian, 1844-1928 Search this
Object Name:
Spear foreshaft
Animal Bone
Carved, incised
Object Type:
Point Barrow; Arctic Slope Native Corporation; Alaska; USA
Collection History:
Collected in 1917 by Dr. John Harley Stamp (1874-1931, a Philadelphia physician and amateur anthropologist); purchased by MAI from Harley Stamp in 1918 using funds donated by MAI trustee James B. Ford (1844-1928).
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