possibly Multiple archaeological cultures (attributed), including Western Archaic and Late Pre-Contact Traditions Search this
Mrs. Thea Heye Texas Expedition (1928 -1929) Search this
Expedition leader:
Edwin Francis Coffin (E. F. Coffin), Non-Indian, 1883-1946 Search this
Expedition sponsor:
Thea Heye (Thea Kowne/Mrs. Dorothea Page/Mrs. George Gustav Heye), Non-Indian, 1888-1935 Search this
Object Name:
Plant material (Image withheld, pending review)
Vegetal Fiber
Object Type:
Materials: Waste
Bee Cave Canyon (Eagle Canyon) Rockshelter; Brewster County; Texas; USA
Date created:
2000 BC–AD 1700 (Late Archaic to Late Pre-Contact period)
Collection History:
Excavated in 1929 during the Mrs. Thea Heye Texas Expedition, led by Edwin F. Coffin (1883-1946, MAI staff member) and sponsored by Thea (Mrs. George) Heye.
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