Black and white photograph of (left to right) Lila Refregier, Marion Greenwood, an unidentified guest, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Sara Mazo Kuniyoshi, Anton Refregier, and Hannah Small at a party for the Anton Refregier murals at Cafe Society Uptown, New York. According to researcher information, the unidentified guest may be Leonard Bocour.<br>Printed on verso: Compliments of Barney Josephson, Cafe Society Uptown.<br>Handwritten identifications in graphite on verso: Party for; Refregier - murals at [arrow to Cafe Society Uptown text]; Hannah Small (Ludins); Lila Ref.; Marion Greenwood.<br>Stamped on verso: Photo by Albert A. Freeman.
Albert A. Freeman. Photograph of Lila Refregier, Marion Greenwood, unidentified guest, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Sara Mazo Kuniyoshi, Anton Refregier, and Hannah Small, 1940. Yasuo Kuniyoshi papers, 1906-2016. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
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Current copyright status is undetermined
Location Note:
Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560