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Episode of the BBC Monitor television series, "Roosevelt U.S.A., a film about Ben Shahn's America"

Catalog Data

British Broadcasting Corporation  Search this
Shahn, Ben  Search this
Motion Picture Film
Roosevelt, N.J.
circa 1962
Place of publication, production, or execution:
No place, unknown, or undetermined
Physical Description:
1 film reel : sd., b&w ; 16 mm. ; 53 min., 3 sec.
Tells the story of Ben Shahn's involvement in a project of the residents of Roosevelt, N.J. to create a Franklin Delano Roosevelt memorial. <br>Includes footage of the 1962 opening ceremony for the memorial (including a short speech by Eleanor Roosevelt), and an interview with Shahn about his mural in Roosevelt which focuses on the founding of the town as a new community for Jewish garment workers from Manhattan. <br>Written by Huw Wheldon and Humphrey Burton. Directed by Humphrey Burton; produced by Huw Wheldon.
British Broadcasting Corporation. Episode of the BBC Monitor television series, "Roosevelt U.S.A., a film about Ben Shahn's America", circa 1962. Ben Shahn papers, 1879-1990. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Additional Forms:
This item has been digitally reformatted. It is available by requesting an appointment in the Archives of American Art's reading rooms, or in certain situations as a Reproduction Request.
Use Note:
Current copyright status is undetermined
Digitized in 2009 from VHS video created from original film in 2003.
Location Note:
Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560
Jewish artists  Search this
Record number:
See more items in:
Ben Shahn papers, 1879-1990, bulk 1933-1970
Data Source:
Archives of American Art