The Archives of American art does not own the original papers. Use is limited to the microfilm copy.
Selected papers from the Carey and Pennington family papers, and the Henry Carey Baird papers, relating to art, artists, engraving and publishing.
Included are: nine letters from Benjamin Tanner to Mathew Carey, Mar.12, 1794-Dec. 3, 1794, about engraving maps of China and Russia from copper plates for Carey; letters to Henry C. Carey from Thomas Buchanan Read, 1856, inviting Carey to spend an evening with him to meet Frank Goodrich, Paris correspondent of the New York Times; from Rembrandt Peale, 1859, announcing an exhibition of his paintings at his home with a view of disposing of them; from D.H. Mason, 1872, regarding an exchange of portraits and other subjects; from Charles Robert Leslie, 1834-1859 (7 items), about Leslie's position as Drawing Master at West Point, a proposed visit to England, Leslie's opinion of Paris, and other subjects;
from Daniel Huntington, 1850-1870 (5 items), concerning borrowing a printing copies of Carey's paintings; from Thomas Sully, 1862, thanking Carey for his approval of Sully's son's conduct as a soldier; and three receipts to Carey for subscriptions to the Sully Fund for the years 1868, 1869, and 1871, signed by James Claghorn, Treasurer. Edward L. Carey papers include a letter from F.O.C. Darley, April 21, 1845, about designs for "Simon Luggs"; from William Page, Mar. 17, 1843, wishing to exhibit "Young Traders" at the National Academy; and from John Cheney, Nov. 18, 1843, about his brother and the artist Daniel Huntington; an account of Powers' bust of Proserpine once owned by Carey; and a resoultion of the National Academy of Design regarding the death of Carey, June 23, 1845.
Items selected from the Henry Carey Baird papers include: copyright papers and letters to Baird, 1845-1855, relating to the publication of Thomas Bangs Thorpe's book The Mysteries of the Backwoods; two letters from Thomas Sully, July 6, 1856, reminding Baird of the portrait, and Dec. 2, 1857, regarding Baird's paper on the "money panic"; a letter from John Sartain, May 24, 1850, ordering 75 cuts of flowers for some books being prepared; from John Rogers, Nov. 28, 1872, about Carey's "Unity of Law"; from William Mason, June 5, 1851, concerning some drawings of Mason's spinning machine; from Daniel Huntington, May 22 and July 27, 1850 about two paintings loaned by Carey and the delay in returning them; and a letter from P.S. Duval, Jan. 5, 1852, about drawings of 8 plates of flowers, done to test lithography for that type of work.
Two items from the Pennington family section include a clipping of "Penn's Treaty with the Indians" by Benjamin West, owned by Henry Pennington; and a letter to John Pennington from G. McMurtrie, 1853, regarding Thomas Sully.
Selected papers from the Edward Carey Gardiner Collection, 1794-1872. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Additional Forms:
35mm microfilm reel P24 (fr. 114-179) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
Location of Originals:
Originals in: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Edward Carey Gardiner Collection.
Biography Note:
Carey, Baird and Pennington families were prominent in publishing, politics, and cultural and economic affairs of Pennsylvania.
Language Note:
English .
Microfilmed by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for the Archives of American Art, 1955.
Location Note:
Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 750 9th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20001