The Archives of American art does not own the original papers. Use is limited to the microfilm copy.
2 letters to Andrew Ryan McGill from Gutherz regarding in particular Gutherz' seven "Spectrum of Light" mural panels in the Library of Congress; a nineteen-page analysis, written by Daniel Richardson, of the seven panels; a 41-page typescript, "The Life of Carl Gutherz"; descriptions written by Gutherz of some of his art works, and accompanying sketches; clippings; a chronolgy; and miscellaneous writings.
Papers relating to Carl Gutherz assembled by Joseph S. Czestochowski, 1895-1910. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Additional Forms:
35mm microfilm reel 1198 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
All photocopies.
Location of Originals:
Letters to McGill: Originals in Minnesota Historical Society.
Photocopies returned to lender, Joseph Czestochowski, after microfilming.
Biography Note:
Mural painter; Washington, D.C. Born in Schoeftland, Switzerland, and came to America in 1851. He is best known for his ceiling decoration in the Representatives Reading Room, Library of Congress.
Language Note:
English .
The lender, Joseph Czestochowski, then curator of the Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, was evidently researching Gutherz [the Brooks Memorial Art Gallery has a considerable number of Gutherz' works in its collection] and lent the Archives photocopies of material he judged to be significant.
Location Note:
Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 750 9th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20001